With Energy Medicine Healer & Medium
Marie Manuchehri, RN

A 12-Module On-Demand Video Training

Embark on a deep dive into your multisensory capacities by cultivating and refining your energy body and gain clarity when making decisions by asking your questions properly so you’ll receive practical results and solutions.


Are you keeping your life tuned to high frequencies and expanded perceptions?

This is THE key to living a life that is abundant, filled with grace, and synchronistically aligned.

When you are “tapped in” at the deepest possible level, you receive a near-constant flow of guidance about what to do and where to go next. Your inner radar operates in a nearly unbroken way to lead you to your best life.

You’ve undoubtedly already discovered your multisensory capabilities and have begun to more deeply align with our infinitely fluid and wise Universe.

And now you’re ready to take the plunge to your next level of being fully plugged in always connected and communicating with the multisensory world and ALL THAT IS!

Instant and accurate feedback means you save time (and potentially grief) when evaluating and making decisions from the information you receive. Additionally, you not only uplift and empower yourself, you’re a valued and needed part of your family and community. Ultimately, it’s about feeling confident and empowered in your ability to heal yourself and others in communion with and using guidance from departed souls, spirit allies, and other energetic support.

During this advanced level 12-module intensive with energy medicine healer and medical intuitive Marie Manuchehri, you’ll focus on activating and maintaining high frequencies in your biofield to match with Source Energy at levels needed for effective and reliable multisensory communication and experiences.

This course is about tuning yourself to the highest level of universal information and Marie Manuchehri stands out as one of our most popular guides along this path of inner attunement. Her private practice as an energy medicine practitioner and medium supports thousands of clients from across the world in healing their wounds and expanding their consciousness.


During this energetically empowering deep dive, you’ll:

  • Explore how healers are lightworkers the flame inside you is meant to grow and be shared through the acknowledgment and embodiment of joy
  • Refine your ability as a reader of energy to hold a question in your field and become aware of optimal solutions
  • Discover how there are solutions to every situation, easily accessed through credible sources of inner knowledge
  • Practice how to ask a specific question to receive a high vibrational source response, tapping into high levels of omnipresent consciousness, i.e. “God”
  • Explore how the best action to take is that which is most inspiring to you and creates more curiosity in your heart
  • Move your human energy with the intent to generate more curiosity
  • Discover that there is never just one solution however, the high vibrational solutions will actually improve your life
  • Understand that your higher self wants you to learn to trust the process, and that solutions appear most often after an authentic surrender
  • Use your advanced higher vibration to bring in information about the future
  • Understand that your true feelings are the opposite of what your mind (your physical brain) tells you they should be, and practice exercises to decipher them
  • Understand that low vibrational solutions will not hold energy, but your mind will be attracted to them
  • Explore how anything that brings you great joy is your higher self speaking to you, directing you towards purpose
  • Discover that everyone is naturally talented everyone has purpose and there is nothing your soul doesn’t know or can’t express to and through you
  • Learn that the ego is only one thing fear
  • Discover how exploring your multisensory talents through mediumship opens you up to even more wonder and magic within being able to maintain the high vibration needed to communicate with departed loved ones
  • And much more...

This is about developing radical Self trust!

As you refine your ability, the multisensory experiences and abilities you’ve been developing can be used to heal yourself and others, to get practical guidance on real life decisions that are before you, and to provide you with the felt sense of being connected to Source all the time.

With Marie’s clear and warm guidance as well as her inspiring example you’ll develop more and more confidence in cultivating the baseline of high resonance that makes life so much easier.

Putting this practiced sense of Source perception in place, you’ll learn to communicate with higher dimensions more effectively which requires you to ask the right questions the right way, pay mindful attention to the variety of ways an answer can arrive, follow up with clarifications, and so on.

You’ll instill consistent habits (based in solid daily practice) to cultivate your multisensory powers in order to heal yourself and others through your connection with Source Energy. This is inextricably tied to transcending the limited perceptions of the physical brain.

Source Energy has different perceptions than most human beings so you’ll learn how to align with it and remain in a higher vibratory state in this 12-module advanced course.

You’ll become more open to considering non-logical solutions, follow through on the information you receive, quiet the mind, communicate with the body and communicate with the future!

What You’ll Discover in These 12 Modules

In this 12-part transformational intensive, Marie will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to take a deep dive into the multisensory world that transcends and includes our own cultivating and refining your energy body, and receiving practical results and solutions in the physical world.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Marie. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to embark on a deep dive into the multisensory world that transcends and includes our own to receive practical results and solutions in the physical world.

Module 1: Align to the Perception of Source Energy for High Vibrational Responses & Wonderful Solutions


Now that you understand the vibration of your frequency and your natural ability to maintain a high vibration, you are aware or becoming more aware of an advanced perception throughout your day. You now see things differently. None of the outward world has changed but you have. Your perception is changing. Your truth and perceptions will continue to change over time due to your consciousness rising.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn why new perceptions will not make sense to your logical mind and why this lack of mental understanding is normal and a positive sign
  • Understand how following your new perceptions will assist you in identifying necessary healing, a desired profession, or great love
  • Discover how there are always wonderful solutions to every situation, easily provided through credible sources of inner knowledge
  • Keep the Qi flowing with a deep recognition of the energy moving in your body it is your greatest teacher
  • Practice how to ask a specific question to receive a high vibrational source response tapping into high levels of omnipresent consciousness, i.e. “God”

Module 2: Cultivate Follow-Through for Valuable Guidance & Enlightened Decisions


The Universe responds in solutions. The trick is learning how to communicate your wishes and desires without pleading. The best approach is to cultivate a sense of inspiration and curiosity, but it can be difficult to convince the logical mind of this. Because you live in a physical world, you need to take physical action to respond to the solutions you receive though you may have no logical awareness of the best solutions in a given moment.

Every little movement towards your new perceptions will lead you to the ultimate resolution you seek. You don’t need to be convinced of the curious movement you are guided to take you must first simply become curious. As you do, you’ll recognize the vibration offered which will be high. You’ll also notice your human energy becoming lighter. These gestures are the communication to you from the Universe and your higher self.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover how some people take too much action and just need to learn how to let go
  • Learn how knowing yourself well facilitates the translation of otherworld (higher self ) messages within
  • Explore how the best action to take is that which is most inspiring to you and creates more curiosity in your heart
  • Move your human energy with the intent to generate curiosity
  • Learn a practice to stop the overactive fearful mind’s urgency to receive a “logical” solution

Module 3: Decipher Your Emotions & Follow Your Curiosity for Your Best, True-Hearted Direction & Answers


Most people are detached from their authentic feelings. This detachment creates a lack of self-knowledge, including not knowing even one’s true desires and natural, powerful gifts. Once you quiet your mind and get to know your unique, singular, and awesome self, you’ll easily decipher the constant communication coming your way. It’s critical you know your real feelings and not give so much power to the logical mind that doesn’t feel at all. Question your thoughts and set fear and worry to the side because they are not real emotions real emotions can be experienced and expressed from a calm, observational quality.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover that unless you remove energy from your overactive mind, you don’t know what you are feeling
  • Understand that your true feelings are the opposite of what your mind tells you they should be
  • Learn an exercise you can use anytime and anywhere to decipher your real feelings
  • Identify how to trust your intuitive messaging
  • Visit the Akashic Records and decipher its personal messages for you

Module 4: Communicate With Your Body to Heal Yourself & Others


Every encounter you have in this world is meant to be joyful! A limited, low vibrational mindset will result in the opposite. To communicate accurately with your body (or anyone else’s), you must place your energy in personal joy. The body communicates only through joy. It’s the only way to receive accurate messages. If you feel pain in your body when working with others, you’re not running your energy high enough.

As an empath who is meant to receive information, you are also meant to share high vibrational solutions with others. It is this whole-body approach AND high energy frequency that will give you the capacity to read the energy of others accurately and the confidence to share the information you receive.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover that healers are lightworkers the flame inside you is meant to grow and be shared
  • Understand how the lightworker’s flame maintains its brightness through the acknowledgment and embodiment of joy
  • Explore how your role as a reader of energy is to hold a question in your field and become aware of desired solutions
  • Experience an exercise to ask for a solution to an old question
  • Learn a cleansing practice to raise your vibration after you’ve been working with others to keep your energy field clear and clean

Module 5: Taking Your Vibrational Expertise to the Next Level Communicate With the Future to Cultivate a Fulfilling Present


If you continue to vibrate your energy in a high frequency and seek to expand the momentum of this vibration, you’ll easily sense or even know your future. And the future of mass consciousness! You’ll want to know the future and be prepared for what’s coming. When you allow yourself to receive future knowledge, you’ll worry less, feel more prepared for life, and expand your consciousness past limiting perceptions of who you currently think you are and who you believe you can become.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn that your present being is part of the future right now, for time is an illusion
  • Discover why it’s important to write down solutions and future information
  • Understand why analytical thinking is nonsensical, inaccurate, and unhealthy for the human body
  • Experience a Qigong exercise and a meditation to visit the future
  • Use your advanced higher vibration to bring in information about the future

Module 6: Find Solutions (Not Answers!) for Endless Possibilities to Improve Your Life


There’s a highly anticipated pleasure in receiving answers, but pressuring yourself to make sure they’re accurate is a heavy burden to maintain. Solutions, on the other hand, are flexible, highly creative, and will rarely make sense to your “logical” mind.

There are layers to solutions that make themselves known, based on your energetic vibration which the human mind might call magic. As you maintain frequencies of delight, you’ll be spellbound by the continuous fulfillment of deeply desired solutions to your needs. Remain open and curious to become aware of their existence!

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn the truth about the ego it only knows how to lie!
  • Understand that low vibrational solutions will not hold energy, but your mind will be attracted to them
  • Practice Qigong to keep your energy rising
  • Exercise your ability to feel solutions in high and low frequencies
  • Discover that there is never just one solution however, high vibrational solutions will actually improve your life

Module 7: Activate High Vibrational White Noise for a Focused & Calm Inner World


When you feel your inner light, you are in a guaranteed high vibration of extended frequency activation. When this happens, your mind will become quiet most of the time. When you can hold your high vibration for long periods of time, your mind will go into “white noise” mode. It’s the momentum of our vibration that creates what we desire. You might hesitate and worry that there is a lack of connection between your emotions and your thoughts, but this is what you’re striving for using your mind purely for logical solutions, while connecting to your authentic emotional being. As these experiences increase, your body will feel wonderful healthier, flexible, and more energetic giving you great feedback that you’re in alignment.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore the Hara line (the balance of masculine and feminine energy) and the energetic essence it offers when activated
  • Experience a meditative practice to know how Source encounters and interacts with your light, so you can be alerted to times when you need to pay attention to information coming in
  • Learn a Qigong exercise to celebrate your energy
  • Discover that it’s normal to have happy thoughts, and...
  • Discover that it’s also normal to feel somewhat disconnected to humans who complain regularly

Module 8: Follow Your Feelings for Deeper Purpose & Fulfillment in Life


Discovering a purpose and you have many of them is a feeling, not a logical finding. Your multiple purposes are embedded deep within your energy, as if they have been welded to your light body. They cannot disappear or even dissipate they are forever soldered into your being. Your higher self is constantly on standby to assist in the alignment of your awareness towards passions that require further refinement and development in the physical world.

As you allow inspiration to bubble up and override logic, your authentic feelings will guide you to your purpose the long-held desires within your energy field prior to incarnation. If you have any inkling of your true passions in this lifetime, it is your destiny to follow their trail that will lead you to your devotion of purpose.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore how anything that brings you great joy is your higher self speaking to you, directing you towards purpose
  • Discover that everyone is naturally talented allowing yourself to feel this truth in your mind, body, and spirit is paramount to your soul’s fulfillment
  • Learn that your natural gifts will never go away they simply multiply as you discover and expand them
  • Understand that your brain has no true insight regarding what your purposes are this discovery relies on authentic emotions without any mental “thinking”
  • Experience an exercise to feel your purpose, while ignoring your thoughts

Module 9: Trust Your Health Intuition With Joy for Spirit Support & Solutions


It’s normal to be healthy. Yet occasionally, our bodies do not feel or act well. These moments are opportunities to get to know ourselves better, and to trust our spiritual intelligence to take action that is for our highest good.

Souls are the most powerful beings in the multiverse. Their wisdom is enormous and never up for debate. Souls are all-knowing and unlimited in their ability to love. Your soul cherishes you and the human form that houses part of its energy. Your soul will always support you, no matter what you choose to be, do, or have in this lifetime. Listening to your soul and its simple but beautiful exchange will make your life fulfilling and well!

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover there is nothing your soul doesn’t know or can’t express to you
  • Learn that trusting your highest intelligence is normal and expected it is your most important job
  • Realize that you can read your body’s needs, or the needs of another’s body, only through joy (high vibrations)
  • Understand how to interpret your mind’s concerns about your body and decipher your body’s messages accurately
  • Experience a Qigong practice to visit an organ for information and healing

Module 10: Feel the Breathtaking Truth of Who You REALLY Are to Embody Your Magnificence


Your job is to learn to be comfortable regarding the truth of who you really are MAGNIFICENT! This truth is a fact and not open to debate with your mind which will rarely, if ever, agree with the truth of who you are. You should ignore the mind, for it is afraid of your magnificence.

Snub those self-deprecating thoughts yes, everyone has them! Decrease sending energy to the ego. When you do this, you’ll authentically feel a glorious sense of wellness and light inside of you often, becoming more and more confident in your insights and awareness.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover that you always have been, and you will always truly be, Source/God/Magnificence/Omnipresence
  • Understand that loving and caring of your inner magnificence is normal and has nothing to do with the ego
  • Learn that the ego is only one thing fear
  • Practice a Qigong exercise to recognize and embody your magnificence
  • Experience a meditation to ignore fear and support Omnipresence touching and blessing your life

Module 11: Embrace the Power of Letting Go to Release Grief & Receive True Wisdom


When you are not accessing the information you seek even if you do all that you know to do perfectly then the answer is to let go. This is one of the most formidable spiritual acts you’ll ever be blessed to participate in. Many times, your soul is asking for you to simply release!

It can take a while to stop expecting to get energetic and spiritual solutions that we’ve been led to believe the mind (at the level of the biological brain) will provide to us. Yet you have to understand that your mind is like a computer it’s just a tool, a machine, and even requires charging. It finds logical answers to logical needs. But it has no other ability beyond that to generate true insights and wisdom.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Explore the principle of release when you’re not getting solutions
  • Learn that you’ll need to “let go” many times a day
  • Discover that your mind doesn’t want to let go and will attempt to sabotage your attempts
  • Understand that your higher self wants you to learn to trust the process and that solutions most often appear after an authentic surrender
  • Experience an exercise to release a challenging part of your life

Module 12: Use Your Heightened Vibration to Effectively Communicate With Departed Loved Ones


A medium is someone who stands on a bridge metaphorically speaking. They act as an energetic connection to the other side, the place where all your loved ones reside once their energy system leaves their earthly form. Communicating with departed loved ones and other realms of life is a naturally intended encounter.

Many people who want to communicate with the multisensory world want to be of assistance to those who’ve passed on. Although this is a kind and deeply thoughtful gesture, they don’t actually need your assistance. All beings on the other side are aware of their previous lifetimes and have full familiarity of all the support that exists for them in the heavens. They have also received a life review and are knowledgeable about their most recent lifetime.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover why those who wish to communicate from the other side want to help us who are incarnated here
  • Explore why departed loved ones communicate in a direct fashion
  • Learn how to maintain a high vibration to have a full conference with a departed loved one
  • Recognize how exploring your multisensory talents through mediumship opens you up to even more wonder and magic within
  • Experience an exercise to communicate with departed loved ones


The Unlock Your Multisensory Abilities Bonus Gift

In addition to Marie’s transformative 12-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Increase Your Frequency & Reunite Your Energy With the Divine
Video Teaching With Marie Manuchehri

Hypnosis is a natural condition that can be self-induced, involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion. In this recording, Marie guides you in a self-hypnosis session to increase your frequency merging your human energy with divine energy for stronger connections with your expanded awareness and self.


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What Graduates of Marie’s Courses Are Saying…


Kara Nellor: “Marie’s Classes Give You All the Tools and Information You Need to Be Successful”

Karen Crawford: “Marie Manuchehri Takes You on This Amazing Journey of Learning How to Tap Into Your Intuition”

Erika Virdi: “Marie’s Class Has Literally Changed the Trajectory of My Life”

“I genuinely feel happier!”

I genuinely feel happier! Understanding how the multisensory world communicates has opened my eyes. I have a new appreciation for myself and a confidence and certainty that I am very capable of a deeply rich, happy life. Marie is very knowledgeable, explains her teachings in a way that’s easy to understand, and is very compassionate.
Mary, Colorado

“Marie is wonderfully inspiring and full of enthusiasm, which helps to raise the energetic frequency of the course participants.”

Marie is wonderfully inspiring and full of enthusiasm, which helps to raise the energetic frequency of the course participants. I loved being part of this course and found so many wonderful tools and positive “what if” questions to help me continue the ongoing journey of self-care and self-love for both myself and my clients.
Anita, Tasmania, Australia

“This course really showed me how astoundingly important it is to keep joy and fun front and center in our lives.”

This course really showed me how astoundingly important it is to keep joy and fun front and center in our lives. Doing this keeps our vibration high!
Gina Maria Opalescent, Santa Fe, New Mexico

“I increased caring for myself and saying NO to the things that were taking my power away.”

Participating in this course has had a profound impact on my personal self. I increased caring for myself and saying NO to the things that were taking my power away, such as people, processes, food, clients. And practicing instead my “what ifs” that keep my vibration high and my soul happy. This course was fantastic and I look forward to more of Marie’s classes.
Sharon Geney, Chester, California

“This course has been life-changing in every way.”

This course has been life-changing in every way. From changing my perceptions to learning to use skills I barely knew I had, this provides me with a whole new array of tools to take into my everyday life and make it so much more fulfilling.
Julia Guthrie, United Kingdom


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Twelve 90-Minute Class Sessions With Marie Manuchehri, RN

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from energy medicine healer and medium Marie Manuchehri, RN from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities by cultivating and refining your energy body to receive practical results and solutions in the physical world.

Twelve Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Unlock Your Multisensory Abilities Bonus Gift
  • Increase Your Frequency & Reunite Your Energy With the Divine
    Video Teaching With Marie Manuchehri

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Unlock Your Multisensory Abilities Online Training


We feel honored that Marie Manuchehri, RN has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from an energy medicine healer and medium whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about embarking on a deep dive into the multisensory world that transcends and includes our own to receive practical results and solutions in the physical world, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

Note:If you have NOT experienced Marie's 7-module Expand Your Frequency & Amplify Your Multisensory Powers training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.

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1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Unlock Your Multisensory Abilities or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Marie Manuchehri, RN...

“Marie has been a gift in my life, guiding me to discover my true soul and helping me conquer past pains...”

Marie has been a gift in my life, guiding me to discover my true soul and helping me conquer past pains through changing my energy vibration. Her classes are outstanding! Marie has a nurturing presence and is a great guide in this process called liſe.
Mary Ellen H., intuitive life navigator

“Through her energy work and seminars, I am healthier, happier, and have a greater understanding of the other side.”

Marie has a wonderful gift of helping us realize our own individual spiritual nature and connection to our source. Through her energy work and seminars, I am healthier, happier, and have a greater understanding of the other side. She has also helped me understand my path and potential.
Dr. Ann Marie Griff, optometrist

“[Marie’s] classes are very informative, interesting, intuitive, but most importantly, FUN.”

Marie is one of the best intuitives I have come across in my past decade of energy healing practice. What I love about Marie’s classes is her honesty about what she’s aware of and how generously she is sharing her experiences. She is so personable and precise in her classes, distance sessions, and radio show. I felt completely at ease while asking her questions about topics covered in class. And at the end of her 12-week course, I felt like I had an extended family. Marie’s so gifted. To access insight from the other side and explain her insight with love, light, and kindness is brilliant. Her classes are very informative, interesting, intuitive, but most importantly, FUN.
Jaime Todd, owner, Lake Stevens Energy Healing

“... [Marie] offered me profound spiritual insights that helped me understand what needed to be changed.”

When I first saw Marie, I was feeling frustrated and stuck, unable to create the life I truly wanted. Right away she offered me profound spiritual insights that helped me understand what needed to be changed. She also taught me skills that I could use every day to help me attract the love, success, creativity, and joy I desired. She is a giſted teacher and healer. Seeing Marie has vastly improved my life.
Gail H., author

“If you are interested in learning new practices that will transform your life, I highly recommend Marie!”

I have taken two courses with Marie Manuchehri. Marie’s courses are a perfect combination of relevant, manageable outside coursework; lectures; lots of opportunity for questions and discussion; and finally, practice breakout sessions to put all the pieces together. Her classes attract compassionate students from every level in their personal journey, from novices like me to healing practitioners. The class just seems to meet you where you are on your own spiritual path. If you are interested in learning new practices that will transform your life, I highly recommend Marie!
Sister B.


About Marie Manuchehri, RN

Marie Manuchehri, RN, is an energy medicine healer who bridges the gap between conventional and holistic medicine. She was raised in a family that valued preventive medicine, but it was during her work as an oncology nurse that she discovered and developed her skills as an energy medicine practitioner. The hospital turned out to be the ideal place to understand the energetic relationship between health and disease.

A self-taught healer, Marie learned to connect conventional medicine’s understanding of disease (as it was described in a patient’s chart) to what she could intuitively understand about a patient’s condition related to his or her energy system. She learned to identify the stagnant energy of disease and move it out of the body, making room for healthier energy to move in and work its healing magic. During this time, Marie discovered she was a medium (having the ability to connect with those on the other side of the veil.) She uses her talents as an energy medicine practitioner and medium to help people heal their wounds and expand their consciousness.

Marie’s private practice includes thousands of clients from across the world. She has a weekly radio show called Where Energy and Medicine Meet, is the author of Intuitive Self-Healing, and has a CD series called How to Communicate With Your Spirit Guides.


Frequently Asked Questions


Note:If you have NOT experienced Marie's 7-module Expand Your Frequency & Amplify Your Multisensory Powers training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.


Note:If you have NOT experienced Marie's 7-module Expand Your Frequency & Amplify Your Multisensory Powers training, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational program on your own as a prerequisite. Please click here to learn more and register.
